Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: pill
IPA transcription: [p'ɪl]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: pill
    Meaning: something that resembles a tablet of medicine in shape or size
  • Synonyms: pill, lozenge, tablet, tab
    Meaning: a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet
Usage examples
  • Who will swallow the first pill?"
  • Mars was a shrunken pill far away.
  • Even so does the Narbonne Lycosa struggle when we try to take away her pill.
  • You've always had speed and curves, but now you seem able to get the pill over.
  • "That may be; but the pill gave me a dreadful pain, just the same," said the boy.
  • But I won't take another pill, I promise you!" and with this remark he retired sulkily to the back of the nest.
  • And as your wish, being granted, proves you did not swallow the pill, it is also plain that you suffered no pain."
  • There's nothing but one quinine pill and a soda-mint drop in it, and if there's anything in the music cure I don't think I'll have it filled again.
  • There's nothing but one quinine pill and a soda-mint drop left in it, and if there's anything in the music cure, I don't think I'll have it filled again.
  • After such a warning there was nothing for it but to sign and pay. Mr. Gould had swallowed the pill, and it was as though it had been compounded of some subtle poison that acted directly on his brain.