Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: piloted
IPA transcription: [p'aɪlətɪd]
Pronunciations of piloted
Usage examples
  • Your will still rules the cubes which piloted you from the Moon?"
  • Coming toward him down the meadow was an aeroplane piloted by the black Usanga and in the seat behind the pilot was the white girl, Bertha Kircher.
  • And always, as they stared and literally willed the cubes which piloted and were the motive power of the aircars to speed and more speed, that marvelous display of interplanetary fireworks which had aroused the concern of Sarka the Second.
  • Instantly the weight upon the rope was removed and a moment later Tarzan of the Apes raised his body above the side and threw a leg over the edge. He glanced forward at Usanga and then, placing his mouth close to the girl's ear he cried: "Have you ever piloted a plane?" The girl nodded a quick affirmative.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Doolittle Raid, License CC BY-SA 4.0