Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: pleadings
IPA transcription: [pl'idɪŋz]
Usage examples
  • "Arguments, pleadings, and entreaties were in vain.
  • The people, admiring his bravery, wanted to make Frithiof king, but he would not listen to their pleadings.
  • Should I yield to your entreaties--and, I may add, to the pleadings of my own bosom--would I not be entitled to demand of you a very--a very little boon in return?"
  • The household at Hilcrest did not break up as early as usual that year. A few days were consumed in horrified remonstrances and tearful pleadings on the part of Mrs. Merideth and Ned when Margaret's plans became known.
  • Mr. Tupman and Mr. Snodgrass arrived, most opportunely, in this stage of the pleadings, and as it was necessary to explain to them all that had occurred, together with the various reasons pro and con, the whole of the arguments were gone over again, after which everybody urged every argument in his own way, and at his own length.