extravagant, prodigal, profligate, spendthrift
Meaning: recklessly wasteful; "prodigal in their expenditures"
meaning of the word
prodigal, profligate, squanderer
Meaning: a recklessly extravagant consumer
Usage examples
Its brand falls, without a challenge, upon the Prodigal.
Not that Dr. Monygham was a prodigal either of laughter or of words.
Take in breath like a prodigal; in speaking, give it out like a miser.
This he employed (as I was given to understand by some inquiries which I made on the road) in maintaining the prodigal hospitality of a northern squire of the period, which he deemed essential to his family dignity.
This prodigal multiplicity and superfluity of resurrections seems to have been not a little embarrassing to modern Christian champions, though doubtless it did not in the least trouble the primitive non-scientific believers, to whom nothing was more natural than the unnatural, including the supernatural and the infranatural.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Jesus, License CC BY-SA 4.0