Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: profusion
IPA transcription: [pɹəfj'uʒən]
Pronunciations of profusion
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: profusion, profuseness, richness, cornucopia
    Meaning: the property of being extremely abundant; "the profusion of detail"; "the idiomatic richness of English"
Usage examples
  • Nature had endowed me with a profusion of crisp black hair, and plenty of high spirits.
  • Your profusion makes me saving; and if you lament over him much longer, my heart will be as light as a feather."
  • And he forthwith drew out and exhibited a revolver, while Myerst, finding his tongue, cursed them both, heartily and with profusion.
  • A glance showed Alison that Marcia had placed her dresser and table close to the window and strewn them with photographs and toilet articles in lavish profusion.
  • Grace and spirit, originality of invention, joyous abandon, a fancy controlled by a studious mind, a profusion of quaint humor and a proper division of light and shade, combine to give the dominant note to his music.
  • There was only one particular in which Henry was quite decisive; because he was there impelled by his avarice, or, more properly-speaking, his rapacity, the consequence of his profusion: this measure was the entire destruction of the monasteries.
  • He did not have the gas turned down low in a temporarily vacated room because he would save two cents by doing so, but because he justly regarded waste as wicked. His example in this particular, in a city so given to careless and ostentatious profusion as New York, was most useful.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Altrincham, License CC BY-SA 4.0