These propositions did not sound in the ear of Francesco Valori precisely as they sound to us.
Two propositions are coherent when both may be true, and are incoherent when one at least must be false.
Followed him Gharra: "While we are here discussing propositions of peace, there is a battle on in the streets....
Now in order to know whether two propositions can both be true, we must know such truths as the law of contradiction.
For example, the two propositions, 'this tree is a beech' and 'this tree is not a beech', are not coherent, because of the law of contradiction.
It appertains to a different "-ology," and inhabits a different dimension of being altogether from that in which existential propositions obtain.
Besides, general ideas cannot be conveyed to the mind without the assistance of words, nor can the understanding seize them without the assistance of propositions.
We must therefore make use of propositions; we must therefore speak to have general ideas; for the moment the imagination stops, the mind must stop too, if not assisted by speech.
It seems to me it should be split up into two propositions of very unequal value: 1, the mind and body are heterogeneous; 2, by virtue of this heterogeneity it is not possible to understand any direct relation between the two.
Propositions brought forward by the Stadtholder as indispensable to the security of the commonwealth, sanctioned by all the provinces except Holland, and sanctioned by seventeen of the eighteen town councils of Holland, had repeatedly been negatived by the single voice of Amsterdam.