Meaning: of or relating to Protestants or Protestantism; "Protestant churches"; "a Protestant denomination"
meaning of the word
Meaning: an adherent of Protestantism
Protestant_Church, Protestant
Meaning: the Protestant churches and denominations collectively
Usage examples
In the navy Protestant feeling was still stronger.
On The Relative Morality Of Catholic And Protestant Countries.
Percentage Of Illegitimacy In Protestant And Catholic Countries Of Europe.
But is it true that crimes, especially murder and illegitimacy, are more prevalent in Catholic than in Protestant countries?
These figures, which are from authenticated sources, do not bear out our accusers in their assertion that murders are more prevalent in Catholic than in Protestant countries.
Yet, in truth, there was some reason for the young man's fears; since, even in those days, Catholics were hunted down both by law and by public opinion, as virulently as Protestant nonconformists.
"Whoso prefers either Matrimony or other Ordinance before the Good of Man and the plain Exigence of Charity, let him profess Papist, or Protestant, or what he will, he is no better than a Pharisee."--J.
But except this contract with the Scottish nation, all the other measures of the parliament either were hitherto absolutely insignificant, or tended rather to the prejudice of the Protestant cause in Ireland.
The two rival divisions of the Christian Church, Protestant and Catholic, have always been in accord on one point, that is, to tolerate no science except such as they considered to be agreeable to the Scriptures.