Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: prudence
IPA transcription: [pɹ'udəns]
Pronunciations of prudence
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: prudence
    Meaning: discretion in practical affairs
Usage examples
  • I warn you of the trouble that a little prudence may avert.
  • Great boldness in facing danger; great prudence in the midst of it.
  • But there was still something lurking behind, of which prudence forbade the disclosure.
  • Therefore, I say that Mrs. Greenow had been lucky in her choice, and not altogether without prudence.
  • Upon the whole I think that she was lucky in her choice; or, perhaps, I might more truly say, that she had chosen with prudence.
  • He paid for everything which he consumed the market price--no more, no less--and he made his purchases with prudence and forethought.
  • It was characteristic of Mynors' cautious prudence that, the first intoxication having passed, he made no further reference of any kind to Anna's fortune.
  • But that unfortunate creature had swallowed so much of the poison, that all the obstacles which by my prudence I could lay in the way served only to inflame her love.
  • Louis XII was this time advancing upon Naples, not with the incautious ardour of Charles VIII, but, on the contrary, with that prudence and circumspection which characterised him.
  • In spite of difficulties, the Countess had maintained her independence with considerable skill until the day when, by an inexplicable want of prudence, she took occasion to close her salon.
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