Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: purchasers
IPA transcription: [p'ɝtʃəsɚz]
Usage examples
  • Ralph Hoskin was very poor: his pathetic pictures did not find many purchasers, and he lived principally by teaching.
  • The very best qualities of goods take on the highest prices when there is a small, but very wealthy, class of purchasers.
  • Nora was to have charge of this table, and she expected to have a great deal of fun out of the misfits between the purchasers and the parcels.
  • They were heaped on a large table, and purchasers were permitted to buy each little package at their own price, provided at least, according to a sign placed above the table, that no bid should be for less than fifteen cents.
  • By ten o'clock, when the crowds have dispersed and the purchasers have all gone home and gone to bed, the busy booth-keepers take down their stalls, pack up their wares, and disappear, leaving no trace of the night's gayeties to greet the morning sun.
  • He also expects that, when he carries his goods to market, and offers them at a reasonable price, he shall find purchasers, and shall be able, by the money he acquires, to engage others to supply him with those commodities which are requisite for his subsistence.