Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: puritans
IPA transcription: [pj'ʊɹətənz]
Pronunciations of puritans
Usage examples
  • Under this stern economic necessity, Puritans, Scotch-Irish, Germans, and all were alike laid.
  • To those who knew him his silence concerning it was a louder protest against the policy of Laud than the fiercest denunciations of the puritans.
  • It is probable that the number of bond servants exceeded the original twenty thousand Puritans, the yeomen, the Virginia gentlemen, and the Huguenots combined.
  • For what were the puritans but the lawfully-begotten children of the so called reformation, whose spirit they inherited, and in whose footsteps they so closely followed?
  • Even the English church, though it had retained a share of Popish ceremonies, may justly be thought too naked and unadorned, and still to approach too near the abstract and spiritual religion of the Puritans.
  • This class included now Irish who revolted against British rule in Ireland; now Cavaliers who championed the king against the Puritan revolutionists; Puritans, in turn, dispatched after the monarchy was restored; and Scotch and English subjects in general who joined in political uprisings against the king.
  • Wherever the Puritans have been sufficiently powerful, as in New England, and in Great Britain at the time of the Commonwealth, they have endeavoured, with considerable success, to put down all public, and nearly all private, amusements: especially music, dancing, public games, or other assemblages for purposes of diversion, and the theatre.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Revolt of the Admirals, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Elizabeth I of England, License CC BY-SA 4.0
2. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording John Locke, License CC BY-SA 4.0