Friend, Quaker
Meaning: a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers)
Usage examples
The name of the recipient of the good Quaker friend's bounty and Aunt Hannah's companion, was Thomas Todd.
The Baptist was even more irreclaimable than the Independent, and the Quaker even more irreclaimable than the Baptist.
"Well, your grandfather was a Quaker, you see, and believed in treatin' them red devils well--like William Penn done, you know.
He kept his dignified Quaker mate stuffed to discomfort; he clung to the side of the nest trying to help brood until he almost crowded her from the eggs.
Despite his Quaker ancestry and his natural love of peace, he was no non-resistant, and when he once entered upon a quarrel the opponent usually had the worst of it.