Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: quaking
IPA transcription: [kw'eɪkɪŋ]
Usage examples
  • He was quaking on the precipice of a bad bilious attack
  • First, we are aged respectively thirty-seven and seventeen; and he could not contemplate without quaking the twenty years that divide us.
  • Then, quaking with fear, they retreated to the church porch, and Jabez, uncorking the bottle, first took a long pull himself, and then presented it to his wife.
  • From there she glided through the bushes and underbrush, trembling and quaking, yet pushing stoutly onward, straining her ears for some note of the brilliant stranger's.
  • In the light of the lantern Wendy saw his hook grip the boat's side; she saw his evil swarthy face as he rose dripping from the water, and, quaking, she would have liked to swim away, but Peter would not budge.
  • Jackson passed several hours most uncomfortably and painfully on his elevated perch, quaking with fear of both man and reptile, not daring to come down or to sleep in his precarious position, or able to do so for the pain of his wound, and growing hour by hour weaker from the bleeding which it was impossible to check entirely.