Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: quartz
IPA transcription: [kw'ɔɹts]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: quartz_glass, quartz, vitreous_silica, lechatelierite, crystal
    Meaning: colorless glass made of almost pure silica
Usage examples
  • There is a good deal of pure white quartz.
  • They failed both with powdered felspar and quartz.
  • The most common vein stones are QUARTZ and CALCITE.
  • "Do me the kindness to throw out some of that quartz!"
  • The soil, in fact, was bestrewn with quartz and porphyritic rocks.
  • The shingle was composed of slate, quartz, and granite, named in the order of abundance.
  • He turned to the flare computer and back to what he could see through the quartz viewport.
  • It was not more than the piece of rotten quartz he had picked up and planned to examine later.
  • But the nugget was an isolated freak; the quartz could not be worked at a profit; and the movement suddenly died out.
  • The quartz rock must have been quite pasty when it underwent such remarkable flexures without being shattered into fragments.