Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: rap
IPA transcription: [ɹ'æp]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: blame, rap
    Meaning: a reproach for some lapse or misdeed; "he took the blame for it"; "it was a bum rap"
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: rap, knap
    Meaning: strike sharply; "rap him on the knuckles"
Usage examples
  • "The wandering Cat gets many a rap."
  • "And for the first time my damned Committee has mattered scarcely a rap."
  • 'Rap again, sir, rap again; there's a little lass in there; she went in a bit since.'
  • Just then a loud and quick rap on the table made all the children skip, and stopped everybody's tongue.
  • I hit her a rap with a club, in the cabin where I found her," answered Corny, heartily wishing he need not share the prize with any one.
  • I don't care a rap for your feasts and I wouldn't take all the tender young lambs in the world at that price." And away ran the Wolf to the woods.
  • Couldn't you rap him up at his own door, and hold him in talk a minute, while I looked on from the carriage or whatever vehicle we can get to carry us there?