Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: ratified
IPA transcription: [ɹ'ætəf,aɪd]
Pronunciations of ratified
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: ratified, sanctioned
    Meaning: formally approved and invested with legal authority
Usage examples
  • The treaty was ratified by solemn oaths, and observed with mutual fidelity.
  • State after state had ratified the new document, and news of their action had reached New York.
  • I gave myself to him, And took himself for pay. The solemn contract of a life Was ratified this way.
  • It was, however, subject to ratification by the people at an election to be held on the fourth Thursday of May. She was in the mean time, like her Southern sisters, the object of Northern hostilities, and, having a common cause with them, properly anticipated the election of May by forming an alliance with the Confederate States, which was ratified by the Convention on the 25th of April.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording George Washington, License CC BY-SA 4.0