Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: recipes
IPA transcription: [ɹ'ɛsəpiz]
Pronunciations of recipes
Usage examples
  • These are the recipes as he wrote them for us:
  • It must be something quite common, for it's in almost all the recipes."
  • Because we expect an astronomer to discover heavenly bodies rather than cooking recipes.
  • Through the kindness of friends I am enabled to give recipes for medicines considered as useful, or, at any rate, tending to abate the severity of the attack in the one, and utterly eradicate the other.
  • For performing this operation, such recipes or methods as we have found most practical will be inserted in their proper place; but the following facts connected with coffee will be found highly interesting.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Zelda Fitzgerald, License CC BY-SA 4.0