Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: reiteration
IPA transcription: [ɹi,ɪtɚ'eɪʃən]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: reduplication, reiteration
    Meaning: the act of repeating over and again (or an instance thereof)
Usage examples
  • Lilith had altogether vanished, and in her place stood the dim vampire reiteration of the body that lay extended on the table, staring greedily at the assembled company.
  • The Capitularies are full of repressive provisions; but the incessant reiteration of these threats only shows the perseverance of the evil and the impotency of the government.
  • This explanation will necessarily be of somewhat elementary character for the benefit of the lay reader, whose indulgence is asked for an occasional reiteration introduced for the sake of clearness of comprehension.
  • To give Mrs. Mountjoy her due, it must be said that this had not entered into her consideration when she had written to her brother-in-law; but it was a burden to Sir Magnus, and had always tended to produce from him a reiteration of those invitations, which Mrs. Mountjoy had taken as an expression of brotherly love.