Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: renown
IPA transcription: [ɹɪn'aʊn]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: fame, celebrity, renown
    Meaning: the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed
Usage examples
  • With this diminution of splendour came a diminution of renown.
  • Some of them are celebrities of long-standing renown, who are mentioned in all the books.
  • Argius heard of the great renown of the unknown knight; he also was witness of his exploits.
  • He rejoiced greatly to hear of his father's prowess, and was proud beyond measure of his renown.
  • All our family renown was acquired--all our family misfortunes were occasioned--by the northern wars.
  • Let the renown of us thy mind incline To tell us who thou art, who thus securely Thy living feet dost move along through Hell.
  • Either from taste, from a desire to instruct herself, from a love of renown, or possibly from all these together, she spent her life with philosophers.
  • If he commits a murder, he will be responsible, whether the renown of the Prophet has reached him or not; for it is reason that formulates the reprehensible character of the action.
  • Then dashed out the Ghul of the Mountain, with a club on his shoulder, two hundred pounds in weight, and wheeled and careered, saying, "Ho, worshippers of idols, come ye out and renown it this day, for 'tis a day of onslaught!
  • About the same time, Manchester, who advanced from the eastern associated counties, having joined Cromwell and young Fairfax, obtained a considerable victory over the royalists at Horncastle; where the two officers last mentioned gained renown by their conduct and gallantry.