reverie, revery
Meaning: an abstracted state of absorption
Usage examples
Sunk into a gloomy reverie
She fell into abstracted reverie
"Yes, yes," said Melbury, in a reverie.
He again lost himself in anxious reverie.
At last, with a sigh, as if she waked from a reverie, she laid the ring on the table.
A Confederate officer, occupying the next, addressed him, rousing him out of the reverie into which he had fallen.
At last he said, "Elsie!" in a soft, low tone that quite made the little girl start and look up into his face; for she, too, had been in a deep reverie.
These masses of solemn and discoloured verdure, the faint but splendid lights, and long filmy shadows, the slopes and hollows--my eyes wandered over them all with that strange sense of unreality, and that mingling of sweet and bitter fancy, with which we revisit a scene familiar in very remote and early childhood, and which has haunted a long interval of maturity and absence, like a romantic reverie.