Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: righteousness
IPA transcription: [ɹ'aɪtʃəsnəs]
Pronunciations of righteousness
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: righteousness
    Meaning: adhering to moral principles
Usage examples
  • He is righteousness itself.
  • She has such faith that there must be righteousness everywhere and she expects it....
  • The consort of Shamash was Aa, and his attendants were Kittu and Mesharu, "Truth" and "Righteousness".
  • About a hundred juniors and seniors resigned from their clubs in a final fury of righteousness, and the clubs in helplessness turned upon Burne their finest weapon: ridicule.
  • The story as told is not merely an illustration of the truth that righteousness brings its just reward, but of the profounder principle that it is the morally fit who survive.
  • By the aid of self-control, resolution, purity, righteousness, and well-directed thought a man ascends; by the aid of animality, indolence, impurity, corruption, and confusion of thought a man descends.
  • Law, not confusion, is the dominating principle in the universe; justice, not injustice, is the soul and substance of life; and righteousness, not corruption, is the moulding and moving force in the spiritual government of the world.
  • He was a god of Destiny, the lord of the living and the dead, and was exalted as the great Judge, the lawgiver, who upheld justice; he was the enemy of wrong, he loved righteousness and hated sin, he inspired his worshippers with rectitude and punished evildoers.
  • Nor were his good wishes in vain; for the pious labourer in the spiritual field reaped therein a great harvest of believers, delivering all that province (according to the inner signification of his name) from long iniquity and unhappiness, and bringing it to the faith and works of righteousness, and the gifts of everlasting happiness.
  • Thus, too, we do not contemn works and ceremonies--nay, we set the highest value on them; but we contemn the belief in works, which no one should consider to constitute true righteousness, as do those hypocrites who employ and throw away their whole life in the pursuit of works, and yet never attain to that for the sake of which the works are done.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Martin Luther, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Catholic Church, License CC BY-SA 4.0
2. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording George Washington, License CC BY-SA 4.0