Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: robes
IPA transcription: [ɹ'oʊbz]
Usage examples
  • Instead of blankets, many of the travellers bought the cheaper buffalo robes.
  • And when he got there he hung up the robes on the wall, and lay down to sleep.
  • He cried out bitterly that their crowns were stolen and their robes of glorious memories were shams.
  • So he bestowed on them robes of honor and entreated them with distinction, and they made him Sultan over them.
  • Wait till in everlasting robes This democrat is dressed, Then prate about "preferment" And "station" and the rest!
  • Into each of these he entered, took the maidens' robes, went out again, turned the palaces back into eggs, and went home.
  • And they woke him, and he sat up and saw many snakes all round him, and one of them very beautiful, decked in royal robes.
  • When they have thus visited all the houses, they strip the Rain King of his leafy robes and feast upon what they have gathered.
  • And I will deck thee with all the robes of the sea, and all the plunder that I have taken in rare cities shall be piled before thy feet.
  • Others again, stripped of their beautiful robes, were exiled far from their parishes, threatened, grossly insulted, ducked in horse-ponds.