Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: rockland
IPA transcription: [ɹ'ɑklənd]
Usage examples
  • When he reached Rockland's home he would at first be denied admittance.
  • He becomes Rockland's ardent supporter, and his purse is open and his influence is used to the fullest extent.
  • His sponsor would say,--"this is Mr. Munting of Muntingville." "Oh, pardon me, Mr. Munting, Governor Rockland expects you."
  • Just before he came into Rockland's presence, his name and a short epitome of his career would be handed to Rockland to read.
  • Selwyn kept Rockland at home, and arranged to have him meet by special appointment the important citizens of the twelve uncertain states.
  • It was done so adroitly that Rockland would have been fooled himself, had not Selwyn informed him in advance of each move as it was made.
  • So these two had only each other to consider, and their duty was to bring to Rockland a majority of the one thousand votes within their charge.
  • His fame, up to a moment ago, was unknown to Rockland, but he now grasps his hand cordially and says,--"I am delighted to know you, Mr. Munting.
  • Drunk with power and the adulation of sycophants, once or twice Rockland asserted himself, and acted upon important matters without having first conferred with Selwyn.