Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: rummaged
IPA transcription: [ɹ'ʌmɪdʒd]
Usage examples
  • The servants rummaged well, and did not find a thing.
  • She returned to the play box by the fire, and rummaged for a few minutes among the tangled toys.
  • "Now, what comes next?" Miss Terry rummaged in the box until her fingers met something odd-shaped, long, and smooth-sided.
  • I turned and went into my room. There I rummaged in a box of old photographs until I found two fairly good likenesses of Jack.
  • I rummaged the things up into much the same state that they must have been before the world was created, and when chaos reigned.
  • They rummaged my pockets, and took from me my snuff-box, my seal-ring, and half a guinea, and some silver, and halfpence; also my handkerchief, and two or three letters I had in my pockets.
  • Up the hill they came, carrying their sorrows in their hands--sorrows for which, in excited haste, they had rummaged old drawers and forgotten cupboards, and even ran hurriedly into the churchyard.
  • Nevertheless, he remembered shortly what he had come for to the palace, and improving the occasion, he set to work to hunt for his dear money. But in vain he rummaged in all the drawers; he found nothing; all had been spent.