Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: run-down
IPA transcription: [ɹ'ʌnd'aʊn]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: creaky, decrepit, derelict, flea-bitten, run-down, woebegone
    Meaning: worn and broken down by hard use; "a creaky shack"; "a decrepit bus...its seats held together with friction tape"; "a flea-bitten sofa"; "a run-down neighborhood"; "a woebegone old shack"
  • Synonyms: run-down
    Meaning: having the spring unwound; "a run-down watch"
Usage examples
  • Anyhow, he said that I looked worried and run-down.
  • I sometimes wonder, Doctor, that you gentlemen, who have the public health more or less in your hands, don't take the initiative and stave off nervous prostration and other ills attendant upon a run-down physical condition instead of waiting for a fully developed case and trying to cure it after the fact.