Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: scalps
IPA transcription: [sk'ælps]
Usage examples
  • They all felt that they had retained their scalps by a very close shave.
  • One in front bore a short pole, on which, as it afterwards appeared, were suspended several human scalps.
  • As we left our teepees in the morning, we were never sure that our scalps would not dangle from a pole in the afternoon!
  • If they are beaten off at the settlements I reckon they will pay you a visit for sure; they won't go back without scalps.
  • The Indians were out, and near at hand, reaping their harvest of scalps! That of young Poindexter was the firstfruits of their sanguinary gleaning!
  • "In what manner will he speak," demanded the wary chief, "when the runners count to him the scalps which five nights ago grew on the heads of the Yengeese?"
  • But it seemed that the bees were always on the alert and never entirely surprised, for they always raised quite as many scalps as did their bold assailants!
  • If they succeed there and get lots of booty and plenty of scalps, they may march back without touching you; they will be in a hurry to get to their villages and have their feasts and dancing.
  • As a general rule, no matter what the profit or urgent necessity which chance offers, these Indians will not hazard a contest when, to a certainty, they must expect their own killed will equal the number of scalps which they can obtain.