bare(a), scanty, spare
Meaning: lacking in amplitude or quantity; "a bare livelihood"; "a scanty harvest"; "a spare diet"
meaning of the word
pantie, panty, scanty, step-in
Meaning: short underpants for women or children (usually used in the plural)
Usage examples
They are but scanty, and I am conscious have little novelty to recommend them.
This he did, by stretching flat on his back, after having finished his scanty breakfast.
You know that sand flat, that is worth very little but for scanty pasture, at the back of the Black Hill, as it is called.
In my boyhood, in our lonely farm-house, we had scanty sources of information; few books and only a small weekly newspaper.
Some fish were caught, and some clams were cast up by the tide, all of which eked out the scanty food supply that remained.
What a wonderful sight it was to the poor little Ruggles children, who ate their sometimes scanty meals on the kitchen table!
Parmiter had thrown a new light upon the business tonight, and by the help of that light I arrayed afresh my scanty knowledge.
When they had eaten a very scanty meal they went to bed; but the fiddler called her up very early in the morning to clean the house.
At 9 we got up, deciding to have tea, and with one biscuit, no pemmican, so as to leave our scanty remaining meal for eventualities.
But many of these forms are due to a scanty alphabet, and really express familiar sounds; and many, again, result from the casual spelling of the Spaniards.