Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: scorching
IPA transcription: [sk'ɔɹtʃɪŋ]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: scorching
    Meaning: hot and dry enough to burn or parch a surface; "scorching heat"
r meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: scorching
    Meaning: capable of causing burns; "it was scorching hot"
Usage examples
  • He discovered that he had a scorching thirst.
  • "This has been one of the scorching days," Mr. Holland said.
  • About mid-day he reached a sandy plain, scorching in the sun.
  • The days passed, with the scorching heat of the midday sun, and the cool winds of the night.
  • They wasted o'er a scorching flame The marrow of his bones, But the miller used him worst of all, For he crushed him between two stones.
  • And supposing he were to do this several times under the heat of a scorching sun, might he not, being an expert, overturn more than one stout personage?
  • At times of scorching heat, hers must be a regular sybaritic abode, such as eccentric man has sometimes ventured to build under water, with mighty blocks of stone and marble.
  • The boy had his hands on the scorching wood of a dinghy, his muscles tensed to thrust it into the waters of the cove, when out over the still harbor, jangling in the heat, came a prolonged and piercing scream.
  • Winterborne had abstractedly taken the poker, and with a wrinkled forehead was ploughing abroad the wood-embers on the broad hearth, till it was like a vast scorching Sahara, with red-hot bowlders lying about everywhere.
  • Jonesy had struck out at the wall of fire with his helpless little hands, and then, half-crazed by the scorching pain, dropped to the floor and crawled in the opposite direction, just as the professor burst open the door.