Scots, Scottish, Scotch
Meaning: of or relating to or characteristic of Scotland or its people or culture or its English dialect or Gaelic language; "Scots Gaelic"; "the Scots community in New York"; "`Scottish' tends to be the more formal term as in `The Scottish Symphony' or `Scottish authors' or `Scottish mountains'"; "`Scotch' is in disfavor with Scottish people and is used primarily outside Scotland except in such frozen phrases as `Scotch broth' or `Scotch whiskey' or `Scotch plaid'"
meaning of the word
Scottish, Scots, Scots_English
Meaning: the dialect of English used in Scotland
Usage examples
The Scottish Terrier Club was formed in the year 1882.
The Scottish Terrier as a show dog dates from about 1877 to 1879.
I shall accompany you myself to the Scottish borders, and there made my reply."
Granite was unquestionably a typical Scottish Terrier, even as we know them at the present day.
At first the King tried force, then treaty, then a Scottish Parliament which did not answer at all.
And the Lord Maxwell in like case Did with Erle Douglas dye; Of twenty hundred Scottish speres, Scarce fifty-five did flye.
The Scottish Bishops, in great dismay, sent the Dean of Glasgow to plead the cause of their persecuted Church at Westminster.
Now, in the legends of Mabel, the Scottish nation was ever freshly remembered, with all the embittered declamation of which the narrator was capable.
The Queen's Birthday, the 24th of May, was celebrated on board the vessel pottle-deep to the tune of the bagpipes played by the governor's Scottish piper.