Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: scowling
IPA transcription: [sk'aʊlɪŋ]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: beetle-browed, scowling
    Meaning: sullen or unfriendly in appearance
Usage examples
  • "Thank you," he answered, scowling.
  • He did not speak: he was still scowling.
  • The tax-collector watched, scowling with spite....
  • Ned Trent stared after her a minute from beneath scowling brows.
  • He had not counted upon this addition to the party, and was as scowling as she could have wished.
  • Tarzan turned away scowling, and if any had been close by they might have heard a low growl rumble from his chest.
  • A tremendous, beetle-browed, scowling fellow. He stood with hands on his hips, his leather-garbed legs spread wide; and as I confronted him, I felt like a child.
  • But on a gloomy winter night, with black, scowling clouds, a hunter of game was wearily travelling the hills, and what happened but that he missed the trail of the hunt, and lost his course and companions.