Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples
IPA transcription: [skɹ'ʌb]
Pronunciations of scrub
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meaning of the word
(of domestic animals) not selectively bred
meaning of the word
scrub, scour
clean with hard rubbing; "She scrubbed his back"
scrub, scrub_up
wash thoroughly; "surgeons must scrub prior to an operation"
Usage examples
“So Adam Eve these two fella go along scrub.
Every man was watching the scrub to see the effect of the discharge.
This White Man shall scrub my kitchen-floor for the rest of his life!"
There'll be a practice game to-night; we'll play against a picked up scrub team.
When they finish eat ’m, my word, they fright like hell, and they go hide along scrub.
The painter was a young scrub out of the West named Kraft, who had a favourite food and a pet theory.
The painter was a young scrub out of the West named Kraft, who had a favourite food and a pet theory.
Chris and Amos lay belly down in a low clump of pine scrub at the top of a precipitous rocky pinnacle.
But I had to do something, didn't I?--I couldn't possibly scrub the King's kitchen for the rest of my life.
The tents occupied by the wreckers had been enclosed in a thick hedge of scrub to protect them from the drifting sand.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording
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CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording
Common chiffchaff
, License
CC BY-SA 4.0