Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: seashore
IPA transcription: [s'iʃ,ɔɹ]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: seashore, coast, seacoast, sea-coast
    Meaning: the shore of a sea or ocean
Usage examples
  • He rode steadily on for three days, and at sunset on the fourth day he found himself on the seashore.
  • On the seashore Moses fell asleep, and the fish, which had been roasted, leapt out of the basket into the sea.
  • SAILING homeward, the Doctor's ship had to pass the coast of Barbary. This coast is the seashore of the Great Desert.
  • I hurried them to the seashore, where we boarded a small steamship, in which we made the trip in safety to Fort de France.
  • The tunnel may run from a castle to the seashore, from a cave on one side of a hill to a cave on the other, or from a seashore cave to a distant island.
  • Have you sometimes seen great boulder stones, as big as a small house, that stand alone by themselves in some field, or on some seashore, where no other rocks are near?
  • At this moment Athos perceived a man walking on the seashore parallel to the jetty, and hastening his steps, as if to reach the other side of the port, scarcely twenty steps from the place of embarking.
  • And the Doctor with all his animals ran as fast as they could down to the seashore; while Bumpo leaned against the wall of the empty dungeon, smiling after them happily, his big face shining like polished ivory in the light of the moon.
  • They hovered over the roof, twisted their long necks, and flapped their wings; but no one heard them or saw them, so they were at last obliged to fly away, high up in the clouds; and over the wide world they flew till they came to a thick, dark wood, which stretched far away to the seashore.
  • The population of Sweden has been estimated from two millions and a half to three millions; a small number for such an immense tract of country, of which only so much is cultivated--and that in the simplest manner--as is absolutely requisite to supply the necessaries of life; and near the seashore, whence herrings are easily procured, there scarcely appears a vestige of cultivation.