You see in me, such as I am, a person sentenced to be hung."
They were both sentenced to die--the daughter to be devoured by wild beasts, and the mother to be burnt alive.
This time he was convicted, and sentenced to hang on the 13th day of May, 1881, in the Court House yard in Lincoln.
The evidence seemed so strong that the poor fellow was quickly tried, found guilty and sentenced to prison for a long time.
It was you whom they sought for this diamond affair, whom they convicted of crime and sentenced to death, and it was you who escaped from the prison at Villa Rica a few hours before you should have been executed!
"You are Joam Dacosta," continued Torres, "who, twenty-five years ago, were a clerk in the governor-general's office at Tijuco, and you are the man who was sentenced to death in this affair of the robbery and murder!"
Several of the convicts who had been sentenced by their comrades, for special violence, to be beaten till they were half dead, were lying on the platform-bed, covered with sheepskins till they should recover and come to themselves again; knives had already been drawn several times.