Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: sewer
IPA transcription: [s'uɚ]
Pronunciations of sewer
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: sewer, sewerage, cloaca
    Meaning: a waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water
  • Synonyms: sewer
    Meaning: someone who sews; "a sewer of fine gowns"
Usage examples
  • His preoccupation must indeed have been very profound for him not to insist on this alarming rescue through the sewer, and for him not to even notice Jean Valjean's silence after his question.
  • A water system brings pure water to almost every household and a great sewer system takes away the filth. The Manila Hotel is worth a million and a park or square on the water front covers hundreds of acres of ground.
  • To get an idea of the city as it was when the war broke out you must imagine a city of about sixty thousand people, without street cars, electric lights, telephones, waterworks, sewer system or any modern improvements whatever.
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