Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: shadowed
IPA transcription: [ʃ'ædoʊd]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: shady, shadowed, shadowy, umbrageous
    Meaning: filled with shade; "the shady side of the street"; "the surface of the pond is dark and shadowed"; "we sat on rocks in a shadowy cove"; "cool umbrageous woodlands"
Usage examples
  • "Shadowed; by whom?" asked Tom.
  • In the shadowed spots fauns and hamadryads wooed, unconscious of the gaze of mortal eyes.
  • No, don't bother to look at the reflection of your face in the window-pane shadowed by the night outside.
  • "Well, it was evident from what we have heard that Baskerville has been very closely shadowed by someone since he has been in town.
  • Again I received a warning to drop all search for the diamond makers, but I persisted, and about a week ago I found I was being shadowed."
  • "I doubt if you would be aware of the fact if we were having you shadowed, Mr. Dene," said Sir Lyster quietly, "and in any case it would be for your own safety."
  • Then in vivid phrases he heard once more the old woman's prophecy: "You will come again, and you will be thin and pale and in rags, and you will fall at the door." For a moment it shadowed the sunlight.