Meaning: a feeling of fear of embarrassment
Usage examples
Suddenly overawed by a strange, delicious shyness
Inside, meanwhile, the Princess, though she felt very pleased, experienced a feeling of shyness.
In manner she was reserved almost to shyness, but perfectly self-possessed, and perfectly well-bred.
She began to talk on the subject which came uppermost in her mind, after the first flush of awkward shyness.
Mr. Tebrick stopped short in consternation and looked about for his vixen, but she had run forward without any shyness to greet her.
Her unconscious stateliness of girlish form, and the conscious shyness of her manner, were the loveliest inconsistency in the world.
She pressed me, when she came to bed, very much, to give encouragement to Mr. Williams, and said many things in his behalf; and blamed my shyness to him.
It was this which drew to him those who had intelligence enough to see beyond his sometimes rather forbidding manner, and to realize that his blunt speech was largely due to shyness.
Physically they were almost a race apart, and out-of-door work had given them a vigor which, when they got over their first shyness on coming to town, developed into a positive carriage and freedom of movement, and made them conspicuous among Black Hawk women.
But he felt no shyness about speaking, not being troubled with small vanity or lack of words; he looked neither awkward nor embarrassed, but stood in his usual firm upright attitude, with his head thrown a little backward and his hands perfectly still, in that rough dignity which is peculiar to intelligent, honest, well-built workmen, who are never wondering what is their business in the world.