Meaning: in a sleepy manner; "the two children who were snuggled sleepily in the back of the car"
Usage examples
"You don't understand," rejoined the Shaggy Man, sleepily.
I grasped his hand and shook it gently, on which he opened his eyes and looked at me sleepily.
"Get out," mumbled Stacy sleepily, at the same time kicking viciously with the disturbed foot.
"I am glad I live here with you, alone." The boy's head nodded sleepily. "I do not like the men from Terra.
He left the guest-room, and presently returned with a white paper-fan, on which a silkworm-moth was sleepily reposing.
Cap'n Bill thought it must be a giant alligator, at first, it was so big; but he looked at them sleepily and did not seem at all dangerous.
Slowly they sung and sleepily, with silver voices, mild and clear, which stole over the golden waters, and into the hearts of all the heroes, in spite of Orpheus's song.