Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: sleepily
IPA transcription: [sl'ipəli]
r meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: sleepily
    Meaning: in a sleepy manner; "the two children who were snuggled sleepily in the back of the car"
Usage examples
  • "You don't understand," rejoined the Shaggy Man, sleepily.
  • I grasped his hand and shook it gently, on which he opened his eyes and looked at me sleepily.
  • "Get out," mumbled Stacy sleepily, at the same time kicking viciously with the disturbed foot.
  • "I am glad I live here with you, alone." The boy's head nodded sleepily. "I do not like the men from Terra.
  • He left the guest-room, and presently returned with a white paper-fan, on which a silkworm-moth was sleepily reposing.
  • Cap'n Bill thought it must be a giant alligator, at first, it was so big; but he looked at them sleepily and did not seem at all dangerous.
  • Slowly they sung and sleepily, with silver voices, mild and clear, which stole over the golden waters, and into the hearts of all the heroes, in spite of Orpheus's song.