Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: sleeves
IPA transcription: [sl'ivz]
Usage examples
  • The doctor rolled up his shirt sleeves and stooped down.
  • He turned back his shirt at the neck and rolled up his sleeves."
  • Now let us roll up our sleeves again and hurry on with the dado.'
  • He had a golf jacket of jersey, worn through at the creases in the sleeves.
  • I suppose they laugh in their sleeves at their master's being such a queer fish?"
  • "Where's Lark Spivey's bullet?" called out Billy to the judges, as he finished rolling up his sleeves.
  • Florence quietly laid down her riding whip and tucked up her sleeves. "What shall I do first?" she said.
  • It was made of a flowered silk, trimmed with lace, and the sleeves short enough to sit very well on her now.
  • The sleeves, small at the wrist, were trimmed with folds of the material and a quilling of white lace at the hand.
  • Midway of the sleeves were fine, individual wrinkles made by the movements of her arms in working for his comfort and pleasure.