Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: slid
IPA transcription: [sl'ɪd]
Usage examples
  • "I slid down a moonbeam."
  • He slid the door into place, turned sullenly.
  • She slid down on to the rug where she had knelt before.
  • She slid into her place at table and got things to going.
  • Then he slid inside the door, and ordered a chocolate soda.
  • Marek slid cautiously toward us and began to exhibit his webbed fingers.
  • Over the floor he slid, still holding fast to me, and pressed against the farther wall.
  • It was the last of a series of a dozen or more, each of which slid off minute by minute.
  • Hank's hoofs were resting upon some smooth substance over which he slid with the swiftness of the wind.
  • He puffed slowly at his pipe and slid a piece from the center toward the sector of the board nearest him.