Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: snarled
IPA transcription: [sn'ɑɹəld]
Pronunciations of snarled
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: knotty, snarled, snarly
    Meaning: tangled in knots or snarls; "a mass of knotted string"; "snarled thread"
Usage examples
  • "Grant!" snarled Phil furiously.
  • "Silence, fool!" snarled the chief.
  • "Fiddlestick!" again snarled her mistress.
  • He snarled, for he saw Banion stoop, unarmed.
  • "You know I have not read the letter." he snarled.
  • Dusk came two hours before its time; thunder snarled in the sky.
  • "Don't bother with him, Watkins," snarled the big fellow, as he noted his companion's complexion run through three shades of yellow.
  • "I must have my answer to-night, or you know what will happen," he snarled, but he felt in his heart that he had lost through his eagerness.
  • Abner said they purred and snarled and gave a mewing sort of cry; but which it was now he could not tell, having unfortunately been half asleep.
  • Mr. Bonteen snarled a good deal, and the new Lord Privy Seal thought that the new President of the Board of Trade was not comfortable within himself.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Monkey Gone to Heaven, License CC BY-SA 4.0