Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: specified
IPA transcription: [sp'ɛsəf,aɪd]
Pronunciations of specified
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: specified
    Meaning: clearly and explicitly stated; "meals are at specified times"
Usage examples
  • The contract was pretty strictly drawn and all items were specified.
  • numbers which very fairly represent the distances of the then known planets from the sun in the order specified.
  • In fact, a certain number of instances are needed to make us think of two abstractly, rather than of two coins or two books or two people, or two of any other specified kind.
  • But a speaker who can certainly be made amenable to authority for vilipending in debate the heart of any specified opponent, may with safety attribute all manner of ill to the agglomerated hearts of a party.
  • Notwithstanding these reasonings, a committee was chosen to frame what was called the "self-denying ordinance," by which the members of both houses were excluded from all civil and military employments, except a few offices which were specified.
  • These powers are to be exercised only for certain specified objects; and the purposes, declared in the beginning of the deed or instrument of delegation, were "to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."
  • The water ghost appeared at the specified time, and found the heir of Harrowby prepared; but hot as the room was, it shortened her visit by no more than five minutes in the hour, during which time the nervous system of the young master was well-nigh shattered, and the room itself was cracked and warped to an extent which required the outlay of a large sum of money to remedy.
0. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Major depressive disorder, License CC BY-SA 4.0
1. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording PHP, License CC BY-SA 4.0
2. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording M62 motorway, License CC BY-SA 4.0
3. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording 1910 London to Manchester air race, License CC BY-SA 4.0
4. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Markup language, License CC BY-SA 4.0
5. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Wood Badge, License CC BY-SA 4.0
6. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Benjamin Franklin, License CC BY-SA 4.0
7. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Podcast, License CC BY-SA 4.0
8. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording American football, License CC BY-SA 4.0
9. Word pronunciation is derived from article recording Hereditary peer, License CC BY-SA 4.0