Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: sprawled
IPA transcription: [spɹ'ɔld]
Usage examples
  • The park was deserted save for one dilapidated figure that sprawled, asleep, on a bench.
  • Blood from the giant's head was welling out, hot and sticky against my face as I lay sprawled on him.
  • Suddenly the whole leaf toppled and fell, carrying the boy with it, and while he sprawled at full length the folds slowly relaxed and set him free.
  • The Dexter house was an old one but it had been kept in good repair. From time to time, wings had been added to the original structure, until now it sprawled lazily in every direction.
  • A daily paper sprawled on the floor, gaping rectangularly where a railroad time-table had been clipped from it. Everything in the room spoke of a loss, of an essence gone, of its soul and life departed.