detection, catching, espial, spying, spotting
Meaning: the act of detecting something; catching sight of something
spying, undercover_work
Meaning: the act of keeping a secret watch for intelligence purposes
Meaning: keeping a secret or furtive watch
Usage examples
The Spider, spying on the threshold of her abyss, lets him have his way.
He was drawing the net with his own hands, he was spying with his own eyes.
He could not now advance many steps, without spying eyes to track and denounce him.
"All well," said the mate, "get the lights over the side;" but spying the second boat, he asked what boat that was?
He had done all in his power to disturb her domestic happiness, and had established a system of spying, eavesdropping, and talebearing under her roof.
That was the necessity of Sir Hugh's position, and he could not avoid it unless he made it worth his while to quarrel with his brother. Archie was obedient, ringing the bell when he was told, looking after the horses, spying about, and perhaps saving as much money as he cost. But the matter was very different in Berkeley Square.