Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: staunch
IPA transcription: [st'ɔntʃ]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: steadfast, staunch, unswerving
    Meaning: firm and dependable especially in loyalty; "a steadfast ally"; "a staunch defender of free speech"; "unswerving devotion"; "unswerving allegiance"
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: stem, stanch, staunch, halt
    Meaning: stop the flow of a liquid; "staunch the blood flow"; "stem the tide"
Usage examples
  • Staunch Cricket on the Hearth!
  • As a matter of fact his voice would seldom reach any but a staunch partisan.
  • He bore up bravely against it; but hard was the struggle between might and right, oppression and staunch resistance.
  • Though a staunch Republican, Mr. Peacock, according to the enthusiastic Professor, is not ashamed of his ancestor King William of Holland, nor of his relatives Lord and Lady Peacock who, it seems, are natives of Scotland.
  • "Come on," said Vincent; "our business lies in another direction." "Is it not strange," he said, smiling, a few moments later, as he tried to staunch the blood with his handkerchief, "to what lengths the affection of a mother for her son will go!"