hunched, round-backed, round-shouldered, stooped, stooping, crooked
Meaning: having the back and shoulders rounded; not erect; "a little oldish misshapen stooping woman"
Usage examples
Stooping, he went through the nearest door.
'What is it?' he cried, hastily stooping close.
Sydney, stooping over him, endeavoured to explain.
His companion leant his hand on the old stooping tombstone.
Where did you shoot her?" asked Abner, stooping to examine the creature.
But the stooping stones and the cypresses were out of sight of its porch.
I permitted it to do so, occasionally stooping and patting it as I proceeded.
"All in, are you?" he said, not unkindly, and, stooping, he picked her up bodily.
Raggedy Andy, stooping over to look further up inside the pretty shell, heard something.
The youth, with his manner of doglike obedience, got carefully down like a crone stooping.