Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: stooping
IPA transcription: [st'upɪŋ]
adverb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: hunched, round-backed, round-shouldered, stooped, stooping, crooked
    Meaning: having the back and shoulders rounded; not erect; "a little oldish misshapen stooping woman"
Usage examples
  • Stooping, he went through the nearest door.
  • 'What is it?' he cried, hastily stooping close.
  • Sydney, stooping over him, endeavoured to explain.
  • His companion leant his hand on the old stooping tombstone.
  • Where did you shoot her?" asked Abner, stooping to examine the creature.
  • But the stooping stones and the cypresses were out of sight of its porch.
  • I permitted it to do so, occasionally stooping and patting it as I proceeded.
  • "All in, are you?" he said, not unkindly, and, stooping, he picked her up bodily.
  • Raggedy Andy, stooping over to look further up inside the pretty shell, heard something.
  • The youth, with his manner of doglike obedience, got carefully down like a crone stooping.