discord, strife
Meaning: lack of agreement or harmony
Meaning: bitter conflict; heated often violent dissension
Usage examples
Why had I not followed him and closed with him in mortal strife?
As soon as it would do for them to move, they started, eager for the strife.
Then our life was a peaceful and quiet one; now there is nothing but wrangling and strife.
That domestic strife serves likewise amply to supply the slave trade from the prisoners of both parties.
For the nobles and merchants of Holland, four centuries and a half ago, were at open strife with one another.
For that horn did never good, but caused strife and debate, and always in her days she had been an enemy to all true lovers.
But this state of things did not last long, and strife rose twixt the red and white men, and some of the red-skins left the camp.
But then he said that his tireless fate would bring forth, when the strife lulled for a moment, a man to ask of him an explanation.
And if ever there was a boy who had a chance of being a prodigy at cab-driving, Diamond was that boy, for the strife came to be who should have him out with him on the box.
'Twas in truth an hour Of universal ferment; mildest men Were agitated; and commotions, strife Of passion and opinion, filled the walls Of peaceful houses with unquiet sounds.