daze, shock, stupor
Meaning: the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally; "his mother's death left him in a daze"; "he was numb with shock"
grogginess, stupor, stupefaction, semiconsciousness
Meaning: marginal consciousness; "his grogginess was caused as much by exhaustion as by the blows"; "someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor"
Usage examples
But she was lapsing into a state of stupor.
Sydney endeavoured to rouse the man from his stupor.
At these words Yaquita and Minha, struck with stupor, stopped without any power to move.
There breathed from her whole person the stupor of a life that was finished, and which had never had a beginning.
She came on meekly after him, scarcely thinking in her stupor where she was going, and glad (in a dead, heavy way) that some one was deciding things for her.