Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: sundown
IPA transcription: [s'ʌnd,aʊn]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: sunset, sundown
    Meaning: the time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizon
Usage examples
  • I'll fire a gun half an hour before sundown."
  • I'll turn up all right by sundown; so don't worry.
  • His task was done long before sundown in chancing on the knight.
  • Would he arise at sundown and pray, and with outstretched hands bless the assembled pilgrims?
  • A scout preceded the marchers, and at sundown camp was formed in a big triangle with the carts as a stockade, the animals tethered or hobbled inside.
  • And so Miss Katy's ball came off, and the performers kept it up from sundown till daybreak, so that it seemed as if every leaf in the forest were alive.
  • At sundown, the gale had sensibly diminished in violence, and as the sea went down with it, we still entertained faint hopes of saving ourselves in the boats.
  • Laploshka said nothing, but his eyes bulged a little and his cheeks took on the mottled hues of an ethnographical map of the Balkan Peninsula. That same day, at sundown, he died.
  • I happened at the time to have a flock of about thirty sheep and goats which I kept for food and for milk, and which were secured at sundown in a grass hut at one corner of my boma.
  • The big corral ran down to the water's edge, and he noted idly that three panels of the fence extended out into the river, and that the muddy water was creeping steadily up until at sundown the posts of the first panel barely showed above the water.