Tikibu: pronunciation dictionary with use examples

Word: swirl
IPA transcription: [sw'ɝl]
noun meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: whirl, swirl, vortex, convolution
    Meaning: the shape of something rotating rapidly
verb meaning of the word
  • Synonyms: twirl, swirl, twiddle, whirl
    Meaning: turn in a twisting or spinning motion; "The leaves swirled in the autumn wind"
  • Synonyms: eddy, purl, whirlpool, swirl, whirl
    Meaning: flow in a circular current, of liquids
Usage examples
  • Then he unlocked a door and with a swirl the wind caught it and blew it back on us.
  • Tom turned in time to see the poor fellow's struggles, and at the same time there was a swirl in the water and a black object shot forward.
  • "I'll bet he's cussing things blue on some pinnacle up there." He laughed at the picture his imagination conjured, and rode out into the swirl.
  • The noise was indescribable, the shouting of men, the screaming of women, the clang and hoot of the huge machines, and three or four times the brazen cry of a trumpet, as an emergency door was flung open overhead, and a small swirl of crowd poured through it towards the streets beyond.