Meaning: a practical method or art applied to some particular task
proficiency, technique
Meaning: skillfulness in the command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity; "practice greatly improves proficiency"
Usage examples
Often shy on meal-tickets but strong on technique and the price of tripe sandwiches.
You will remember that we had a surprising experience when we began to apply our technique of free association.
Either the dream is no psychic phenomenon after all, or there is no such thing as unconscious mental activity in the normal condition, or our technique has a gap in it somewhere.
Mathematics, even in its higher branches, when undue emphasis is put upon the technique of calculation, and science, when laboratory exercises are given for their own sake, suffer from the same evil.
But when the resistance is strong, then we must go through a long chain of associations, are taken far afield and must overcome all the difficulties which present themselves as critical objections to the association technique.
But if they originally learned the sensory-motor technique of reading--the ability to identify forms and to reproduce the sounds they stand for--by methods which did not call for attention to meaning, a mechanical habit was established which makes it difficult to read subsequently with intelligence.
Beethoven further advanced the technique of the symphony, and proved its power to "strike fire from the soul of man." Varying his themes while repeating them, adding spice to his episodes and working out his entire scheme with consummate skill, he was able to construct from a motive of a few notes a mighty epic tone-poem.
Furthermore, they should bear in mind that most of our important discoveries would not have been made had animal experimentation not been available, as it is solely by this means that modern surgical and obstetrical technique has been brought to its present degree of perfection; and further progress can scarcely be expected without its aid.
In former times every woman who gave birth to a child or passed through a miscarriage was exposed to grave danger of infection or child-bed fever; but at present--thanks to the recognition of the bacterial origin of the disease and of its identity with wound infection--this danger can be practically eliminated by the rigid observance of surgical cleanliness and aseptic technique.