impermanent, temporary
Meaning: not permanent; not lasting; "politics is an impermanent factor of life"- James Thurber; "impermanent palm cottages"; "a temperary arrangement"; "temporary housing"
meaning of the word
temp, temporary, temporary_worker
Meaning: a worker (especially in an office) hired on a temporary basis
Usage examples
"It's only a temporary arrangement, Bunny," she pleaded.
One of the buildings had been turned into a temporary hospital.
'I rather feared some such temporary breakdown as this, Danton.
But the temporary wooden pulpit erected over the church-door was still empty.
They have known and they will know joy and sorrow, triumph and temporary defeat.
And partly comforted by the temporary conclusion, I got a little troubled sleep.
'You could get a temporary maid,' her friend suggested, in a lull of the tornado.
Tycho accepted the apology thus heartily rendered, and the temporary breach was permanently healed.
It comes from internal torture--a thing as necessarily temporary as faith (the source of the other kind of strength) is durable.
This change was sudden, extreme, and temporary, and there has since been a gradual adjustment and a return to the former values.